IWPSD 2021
XXI International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices
14 - 17 December, 2021
Jointly Organised by

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Solid State Physics Laboratory, Delhi

In Association with

Society for Semiconductor Devices (SSD)

Semiconductor Society of India (SSI)

Guidelines for preparing Oral Presentation

Guidelines for preparing Oral Presentation for IWPSD 2021

Duration of Oral Presentation: 12 minutes (10 minutes presentation and 2 minutes for questions)
Please consider the following points while preparing the Oral Presentation:
  • The number of PowerPoint slides should not be more than 10 (excluding the 1st slide).
  • Please indicate the symposium name, Paper ID, Title of the talk, authors and affiliation on the 1st slide.
  • The title of the Talk should be the same as that submitted in the Abstract.
  • Please avoid bad color combinations and make sure the content is clearly visible on the screen.
  • Avoid playing heavy videos during the presentation, unless genuinely required.
  • Time your talk wisely.

IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi - 110016